Suit up!


Just going tell you what I do to be more productive.

1. Suit up, dress yourself in pretty fancy office clothes. Just to get the feeling of you are at work. Get that fresh crisp feeling.

2. Use handsfree to your cell. If someone is calling you can still paint while talking.

3. Order! this is the hardest one, procrastination is often used. I promise you that you will work much better when the kitchen is clean. Or if you have other stuff thinking on back in the head. Do eeet! then you can totally focus on the stuff you like to do, like Painting!!

4. Documentaries, audio books, movies, music, I like to listen or watch movies while I work. There are so many good documentaries on stuff out there. Just google on a interesting subject and woila!

That are some of the things I like to do. Time to do studies!

Oh yeah, and have FUN! :)
